With the addition of apartments into the Sim universe, it would be silly not to live in them! Apartments bring a new way to live your virtual life while surrounded by neighbors and friends. But never fear, all of the Sims 2 games, as well as the complete set of Sims 1 games, are available at any store, including Wal-Mart, Target, Circuit City, and Sims 2: Apartment Life Apartment Living Why? Because next year, The Sims 3 will be released. On the whole I think this is the best expansion pack for the Sims, and it sort of makes me sad that this will be the last one for this installment of the Sims. They can also get room mates if the rent becomes too much, which throws a fun new twist on the home experience. Instead of going to the gym or buying exercise equipment, they can get fit by jumping rope in the comfort of their home. For instance, the sims can now wash their faces and brush their teeth with new medicine cabinets. Too of my poor sims have had to ask their neighbors to cut down their music at three in the morning.Īlong with many fun new objects, the expansion adds new interactions. However, it’s also easier to get annoyed with neighbors, as I found with the new twist of noise pollution.

The best thing about apartments is the ability to have neighbors in such close proximity, so meeting new people and making new friends is much easier. The latest expansion pack is Apartment Life, which gives players the options of moving their sims into apartments, something which players have been requesting for years.

For instance, a sim with the family aspiration may want to have 3 of their children graduate from college, while a sim with the fortune aspiration would want to earn 100,000 simoleans (the monetary unit in the game) in the course of their lifetime.

They even have aspirations, which determine what goals they want to achieve in their short, binary code lives. Quite possibly the ugliest sim ever created.