You can visit the Cheat Code page for more skill level cheats. If you don’t want to max your skill level you can change the number 10 with the preferred skill level from 1 to 9. Use this cheat to max out your skill level. With The Sims 4 Multiplayer mod, you can play The Sims 4 real-time on the network and live. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Of course there is also a cheat to max your Sims Guitar Skill.
License songs you’ve written at the mailbox. Promise to dedicate songs to other Sims. Enthuse about Guitar solos to other Sims. There is one other way to earn some extra Simoleons with this skill and that is that your Sim’s can write songs and sell them. Just put the Guitar in your inventory and go to a nightclub or other venue. You can use the Guitar skill to earn some money from tips when your Sims reach skill level 5. When you develop the skill you will be able to learn: country, ballad, classical, Latin, jazz and avante-garde. They start off being able to play the blues and then rock ‘n’ roll. When your Sims is gaining levels in their skill they learn to play different kinds of music. (linux, windows, mac) Frets on Fire X - ( Repo ) Highly customizable rhythm game supporting many modes of guitar, bass, drum, and vocal gameplay for up to four. When you Sim is playing music it can also influence the emotions of all Sims in the room. Playing the Guitar will also help to increase your Sims fun need. You need to buy a guitar and start practicing or read a book about Guitar to develop this skill. Not only are these sims masters of music and even song writing, they have an addictive charm to them that tend to make them alluring and sought after romantically.Guitar skill in The Sims 4 is meant to be a hobby however, it is needed to make promotion in the Entertainer career. (Okay, maybe not before you blink, but it’s pretty darn fast!) In the time that it takes an average sim to gain a single point in any musical skill, a virtuoso can accomplish double the talent in half the time. Virtuoso sims can take a hold of any musical instrument and can easily max his or her skill wielding it before you can even blink. Have you ever witnessed a lovely gentleman serenading his love with the help of an acoustic guitar? Have you ever watched an elegant pianist play such a beautiful song that the whole night lounge pauses what they are doing just to listen to her perform flawlessly? There are some who are gifted in the art of music and can pick up any instrument and master it upon mere touch.